Tuesday, April 29, 2014


While I normally would understand that some folks might have to grieve in their own way about a lost friend soldier  (apparently he threatened someone with a gun on Mother's Day), it would be nice that loved ones would understand the ramifications on the community when a shooting occurs near a school.

So, it is with mixed emotions for the bereaved as well as the community that I'm posting this and hoping that those putting up this memorial please stop with the obscenities. Do we really need our youngsters, who are already trying to understand why they were ushered into lockdown amid a murder, need to see F bombs on a poster, let alone wonder what 7th St. Bangers are? As I said, I understand that some grieve in their own way.. I'm just pointing out that there might be a better place than the street near an elementary school to post "Fat F*#$ing Dre" signs.

And what exactly are the 7th St. Bangers?

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